NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Protecting freedom of thought and conscience within the international community of nations


Briefing on the “Universal Code of Holy Sites”

The NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief invites you to attend a special introduction and discussion of the proposed new “Universal Code on Holy Sites.” This event will be held on Monday, January 28, 1:15 p.m., in the office of the Bahá’í International Community, located at 866 UN Plaza (Suite 120).

The Universal Code on Holy Sites (PDF) was developed out of recognition that holy sites are at the center of many conflicts around the world. Its goal is to provide a mechanism to monitor and protect holy sites, and to promote peace and reconciliation between people from diverse ethnic and religious communities and nationalities.

This event will feature representatives from each of the main organizations which developed the Code and are working to secure its implementation:

— Dag Aakre of One World in Dialogue.

— Anne Hushagen of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights.

— Sharon Rosen of Search for Common Ground.

— Stein Villumstad of Religions for Peace.

RSVPs to are appreciated.

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