NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Protecting freedom of thought and conscience within the international community of nations


Peace, Reconciliation, and Justice: The Future of Religious and Ethnic Minorities Victimized by Daesh

November 2, 2017, 3-5 pm
UN Headquarters Conference Room 6

Overview: The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, the NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief and the ECOSOC-accredited NGO and humanitarian organization Roads of Success are organizing an event focusing on the future of religious and ethnic minorities victimized by Daesh, particularly in Iraq and Syria. Since 2014, Daesh has committed numerous international crimes in the Middle East against both individuals and groups, many of whom belong to ethnic and religious minorities. The international community is now seeking peace, justice and reconciliation for these victims. The Iraqi government, in particular, has made a commitment to ensure that accountability is achieved, and has made many strides forward, in partnership with the United Kingdom and others, towards bringing about justice. The event will feature victims, experts, those involved in rebuilding efforts and diplomats who will discuss the nature of the current situation and identify the ways in which recent developments, including the passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2379, will play a role in bringing restoration and justice to previously Daesh-controlled areas, particularly for religious and ethnic minorities.

Objectives: The goals of the event are to promote a better understanding within the international community of the plight suffered by victims of Daesh, particularly those belonging to religious and ethnic minorities; to discuss what efforts are underway, particularly by the Iraqi government and the newly formed Syrian Mechanism; and to examine what else can be done to bring about resettlement, justice and reconciliation for the affected peoples and groups.

Speakers: Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the UN; Eklas (a Yazidi victim); Gaby (a Syrian Christian victim); Dr. Nezar Ismet Taib Abdullah (a Regional Director of Health in Iraq); Michael Farris (CEO of ADF International); Edward Clancy (Aid to the Church in Need); a representative from the Knights of Columbus; the Permanent Representatives from several Permanent Missions to the United Nations will also be making statements.

To register: All those interested in attending are asked to register at

Those without UN passes can indicate their need for a special events pass to be picked up 45 minutes before the event. Those with UN badges are asked to register so that the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See can make sure that it can ensure that those intending to come all have seats in the room.

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