NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief

Protecting freedom of thought and conscience within the international community of nations


Panel Event on Women’s Rights and Freedom of Religion or Belief in Marriage and the Family

The United Nations NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief and its member organizations are pleased to announce that the Committee will hold a side event at the upcoming 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women, which will take place at UN headquarters in New York City from March 9–20, 2015.

This event will take place Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at 2:30 p.m. in the Church Center (Hardin Room), located at 777 1st Avenue, near East 44th Street in New York City.

The Committee’s side event will focus on obstacles women across the world face in pursuing the equal enjoyment of the rights to freedom of religion or belief in the context of marriage and the family.

Speakers will include:

  • Zainab Al-Suwaij, co-founder and Executive Director of the American Islamic Congress. Al-Suwaij is originally from Basra, Iraq, and has served as AIC’s Executive Director for eleven years. In this role, she advocates for women’s equality, civil and religious rights, and interfaith understanding.
  • Lois A. Herman, Coordinator, WUNRN — Women’s UN Report Nertwork. WUNRN, based on the UN Study of the Status of Women, Freedom of Religion or Belief, and Traditions, addresses the human rights, oppression, and empowerment of women and girls all over the world. The WUNRN listserv is one of the largest global gender listservs.
  • Amy Reynolds, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology at Wheaton College. Dr. Reynolds’ research focuses on issues of economic globalization, the influence of religion and culture within markets, and the different organizational, cultural, and theological aspects of organizations that promote or hinder women in leadership positions.
  • Mary Wandia, FGM Program Manager for Equality Now. Based in Nairobi, Wandia advocates for the human rights of women and girls around the world by raising international visibility of individual cases of abuse, mobilizing public support, and wielding strategic political pressure to ensure that governments enact or enforce laws and policies that uphold the rights of women and girls.

To RSVP, please email by Tuesday, March 10.

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